Chakra Ascension is a 10 day online programme designed to clear blocks and move you forward in your life so you can step fully into your sacred purpose.
During the programme you will be working with the 12 ascension chakras, one chakra a day using essential oils, crystals, energy techniques & guided meditation.
You will
- Learn how to tell if the chakra is overactive, underactive, or blocked.
- What crystals to use to keep it clear.
- Take part in powerful daily essential oil activations to clear and balance the chakra.
- Daily awakening meditations to integrate 5D energies into your field using a combination of energy techniques and essential oils.
- Daily intention setting for the year ahead.
There will be around 30 minutes of content to listen to and 20 minutes of self-reflection work each day, leading you on a journey through your 7 main energy centres, and on to your ascension chakras, climaxing with a powerful Angel Ascension Chakra Activation.
Included in the price of this programme are 5 or 15ml bottles of the essential oils used in the chakra activations, meditations and ongoing access to the program, activations, and guided meditations.
Here are what others have said about this programme.
"Such an amazing workshop. I really love the combination of the chakra, oils and gem stone altogether. There is so much clarity within each chakra day, as it breaks down into sections of knowledge, meditation, journaling and sharing. Like bite size within the frame of timing and content, so I found it is easy to concentrate and absorb. Using the oils are so powerful, it really directed me into my body. I find the step by step method of Debbie's process can tap into the subconscious in a very smooth way and so my insights I receive in the meditation are very clear. It became my daily ritual that I really looked forward to each day and I have definitely learnt so much valuable tools on this beautiful journey. Thank you again for your gracious guidance xx"
"Thank you so much Debbie, I have loved each day being apart of this journey. I do feel more accepting of who I am , it definitely has increased my awareness and self belief in myself and the Creator , I look forward to revisiting the course and receive all the healings and blessings from them . Deep gratitude to you for this amazing opportunity xxx"
It is very important to me that everyone who feels drawn to come to this is able to so, and it is with this in mind I have created three levels of entry, Please click this LINK for details and make sure to select the right ticket option.
If you are new to using essential oils for the therapeutic support they can bring you might like to watch the video at the bottom of this page to decide the best level of entry for you. The oils you use with this programme can be used in so many other ways for your emotional and physical well-being. Please do reach out if you are unsure.
If you are a current member of our Essential VIP Community which you became a part of when you purchased your doTERRA oils through me or one of my business partners you can join us on the Chakra Ascension Journey with your own oils for FREE.
The oils needed are; Lemon, Lavender, Peppermint, OnGuard, Tea Tree, Oregano Deep Blue, Zengest, Air, and Frankincense.)
Please email me to book on the next Chakra Ascension Programme
Please email me to book on the next Chakra Ascension Programme