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The Holistic Therapy Centre, Marlow



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Debbie Lawrence

07859 865148

doAROMA Reiki

Practitioner Workshop

AROMA Reiki is a 60 minute full body, multi sensory, intuitive treatment that leaves your Reiki clients feeling AMAZING and asking to rebook for more!!

It is a powerful combination of natural and holistic techniques that give's your client an experience they won't forget and can't help to talk to their friends and family about.

The day is jam packed with techniques. If you love workshops with lots of tea breaks and long lunches this isn't the workshop for you!

  • You will learn how to safely use essential oils on specific acupressure points within your Reiki treatments designed to bring fast and powerful results.
  • How to expertly add a calming and soothing massage sequence into your Reiki treatments that activates, balances and clears all chakras. 
  • You will learn a technique that enables you to be able to give intuitive feedback to your clients during their treatment, so they leave fulfilled and empowered with new ways to move forward. You dont have to be a natural born psychic to be able to master this technique!
  • By the end of the day you will have a fully insurable AROMAReiki qualification that enables you to add the power of essential oils into your Reiki treatments in a way your client's will love.
  • And open up new ways you can give additional support to your clients, that enhances their healing journey and also massively increases your income potential.

During this workshop you will learn what an essential oil is and how it works so effectively with our body as a powerful form of plant based medicine. 

You will receive your AROMA Reiki attunement. This attunement includes a guided meditation to meet your AromaReiki Guide and attune you to the AROMAReiki symbol you will use during your treatments.

You will learn how to perform the AROMA Reiki Full Body Reset Technique using essential oils with specific acupressure points on the body. 

How to expertly perform the Chakra Balance Massage using a specific essential oil protocol designed to activate, balance and clear the 7 main chakras. 

The Aromatic Reiki Technique that quickly lifts even the darkest of moods and brings balance and how to perform an intuitive Full Body Scan & Release. This one technique alone more than doubled my client base on its own! Plus, you'll have a powerful new symbol you can use in your Reiki treatments that extends the healing effects of your treatments lonf after your session as ended.

You will learn how to prepare and energetically programme an essential oil for your client to take home and use following their treatment and have a proven method of adding a substantial extra income stream to your Reiki practice.

Last but not least because you are important too, you will learn how to perform a Self AROMA Reiki Treatment using a chakra balance guided meditation and some powerful essential oils that guides you through the steps of using these amazing essential oils and Reiki on yourself.

Plenty of time will be spent practising the techniques involved so you will get to experience the effects for yourself and leave confident in bringing this exciting new treatment to your clients.

This day is truly a healing experience for everyone that comes. It doesn't end at the end of the workshop either as ongoing business mentoring, support and training is offered after the course to help you successfully integrate AROMAReiki and essential oils as an additional income stream into your business plan.

Why train with me?

I have been practising as a Reiki Master Teacher, Aromatherapist, and running Meditation circles for 19 years. 

I started teaching AROMAReiki in 2018 after I experienced how the Reiki energy powered up when combined with the essential oils in specific ways during a treatment. 

The oils wanted to be on the body, it wasn't enough to just have the oils diffusing in the room or on my hands during the treatment. So using all of my knowledge of energy healing techniques, essential oils, acupressure I developed a powerful way to combine essential oils with specific acupressure points on the body and found when this is combined with Reiki in a specific sequence of moves energy powerful shifts occur!!

I also developed a scanning technique to intuitively find out what emotions were being released during the treatment, a way to release them from the aura, the physical body, the past, past life and future and which oil is beneficial for the client to use after the treatment. What's more you dont have to be psychic to be able to successfully learn this technique.

All of this and more will be taught to you at your AROMAReiki workshop. 

Since practising AROMAReiki, 99% of my Reiki clients have switched to this method when they come for their appointments and a many of my massage clients have switched to this new treatment too.

It has increased repeat bookings as my clients love the effect of the oils, massage techniques and Intuitive Reiki being combined and typically book a treatment on a regular basis. It has also brought in lots of new clients as this is a treatment people can't help but talk about their experiences after with friends and family.

Clients tell me how grounded, calm and relaxed they feel after experiencing the combination of the essential oils with the Reiki energy and are often amazed at how accurate the intuitive information is given at the end of the treatment. 

Since introducing AROMAReiki to my clients I have more than trebled my monthly income, and my love and passion for Reiki has been reignited as I look forward to each treatment, excited for the results I know it will bring.

It would truly be a pleasure to share this knowledge with you and guide you to achieve the same successes I have seen for my business. 

Here are some experiences from some of the Reiki Practitioners that have already added this style of Reiki to their treatments.

When I took the AROMA Reiki workshop I thought I would simply add another string to my bow for clients to choose from. However, it has been so much more than that. Nearly every single one of my clients has chosen this treatment over the others I offer and book it regularly! Consistent feedback is how deeply it helps them relax and quietens their mind. I work a lot with anxiety so for my clients this is a rare treat. I describe it as going to ‘the in between lands’! The body is so deeply relaxed you cant move, the mind is still, yet you are totally present. People have had significant shifts too, either immediately afterwards or in the following days so having the oil to use really holds them as they heal. Those who come regularly also experience a ‘shedding’ of old emotions, freeing them to feel in alignment again. Lots of people have subsequently wanted to use the oils in other ways so have begun their journey with using essential oils at home thanks to this treatment.

Adele W – Hazlemere

“Aroma Reiki is such a lovely add on to traditional Reiki, using essential oils makes it such a lovely treatment to give as well as well as to receive.

Catherine B – Marlow

I did the Aroma Reiki workshop with Debbie when I was only a Level 1 Reiki Practitioner and I was not a therapist and had no massage experience. I had no plans to offer this treatment as a service to people, just for friends and family. I loved the day, the oils smell so lovely and Debbie explained things really well. We got to practice on each other, and I was hooked. Especially massaging the oil onto the feet. Some months down the line this is one of my most popular treatments. I have a lot of great feedback from people who have had my Aroma Reiki treatments and I have been so surprised that every time the client has been able to relate to the emotional block that I pick up during the treatment and the love the fact they can take some oil with them afterwards.

Cathy H

First let me say a big thank you for your Aroma training! I absolutely loved it! When I came back I did the four treatments straight away on friends and family, they all loved it! Since then, I have put a couple of posts on facebook and I am now doing paid treatments! Five so far and another two this week.


Debbie thank you for such a lovely and empowering day. The treatment is absolutely beautiful and so cleansing and healing. I cannot wait to introduce to my clients

Carol L

How much does it cost?

Your investment for this workshop is £250. 

Included in the price is;

  • AROMAReiki Essential Oil Kit - Over £100 of therapeutic grade essential oils used in this treatment and a bottle of fractionated coconut oil. 
  • Your comprehensive AROMAReiki manual, 
  • A FREE wholesale account with doTERRA as a gift from me which gives you a 25% discount on any oil purchases over the next 12 months and free entry into my oil education program.
  • Recordings of all the guided meditations covered on the day.
  • A bonus guided meditation you can gift to your clients to continue the effects of their treatment in their own home. 
  • Entry into our ever-growing community of AROMAReiki Practitioners via our private Face Book Group.
  • Your AROMAReiki Practitioner Certificate which will enable you to obtain the insurance you need to practice.

Everything you need is included in the price, so you can add this treatment to your practice straight away.



I am not yet Reiki trained can I join your AROMA Reiki workshop? – You do need to be trained in Reiki to add AROMAReiki to your treatments. However, I do offer an intensive Reiki 1,2 and AROMA Reiki package at a reduced price, or training in the levels individually.

I am only trained up to level 1 would I get a full AROMA Reiki Practitioner certificate? – At Reiki 1 you would get a certificate of attendance that would be upgraded free of charge to the full AROMAReiki Practitioner certificate as soon as you have taken Reiki 2 and emailed me a copy of the certificate.

I am not USUI Reiki trained can I still take your AROMA Reiki workshop? – Yes, AROMAReiki is open to anyone attuned to any level or style of Reiki.

I already have a doTERRA account. Can I have a discount on the price of the workshop? The wholesale account is a gift from me therefore I wouldn’t be able to reduce the cost of the workshop for you.

Is this an accredited workshop? Yes this workshop is fully accredited with the International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine and is registered as a treatment with Balens Insurance Company. 

So are you ready for the next level in your Reiki practice?

If you are book your place now using the. form below

Workshop Dates 2022

The Holistic Therapy Centre,

42 High Street,



SL7 1AW 

Next Workshop

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Please email me via the form below

or if you cant see your area listed above call me to discuss your requirements.

Debbie Lawrence

07859 865148

Book your place on an AROMA Reiki Workshop

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My gift to you a FREE doTERRA wholesale account to open up a 25% discount on any future oils purchashes for 12 months.

Date of birth (needed to set up your doTERRA wholesale account)

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